Term-End Examination
Time: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 100
(Weightage 70%)
(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section A, each question carrying 20 marks.
(iii) Section B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.
June 2007
1. "The degree of involvement of managers with various management processes may differ from manager to manager. But all managers have to be concerned with all the processes in an organizational set-up." Elaborate this staterrlent and discuss briefly the underlying concepts with suitable examples.
2. Explain the term 'Bounded Rationality'. What are the factors leading to bounded rationality and satisficing decisions ? Discuss.
3. How is Strategic Planning different from Operational Planning ? Discuss with suitable examples. What are the essential steps in formulating a plan ? Describe with illustration.
4. What is the significance of Organisation Structure and Organisation Chart in the functioning and efficiency of an organisation ? Discuss with examples, the factors which influence the choice of the structure of an organisation.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(i) Theories of Leadership
(ii) Johari Window
(iii) Organisation Culture
(iv) Control Process
(v) M.B.O.
6. Please read the case and answert he questions given at the end.
John was rapidly becoming the main topic of discussion for the workers on E-shift. For the past year, he had been working in the jeep-transportation department at a large manufacturing plant. His record of attendance was good and his work was considered far above average by his immediate supervisor. His supervisor also considered John the informal leader of the transportation department. This feeling was shared by the foreman and the other workers.
Lately, though, John had been seen by several supervisors breaking different safety regulations. Most of the violations would have been of no more consequence than a god talking to, so the supervisorsl et them slide.
Finally, John was caught by the plant safety supervisor without his safety glasses on. This resulted in his being laid off without pay for five working days.
It was was the plant's policy that safety glasses must be to gain admittance to the plant and must be wom times in the plant. This policy was to ensure that no employee would lose his eye-sightfrom an accident or from a resulting fire.
This written policy stated that an employee who was caught not wearing his safety glasses would for the first offence get a five day lay-off and then for a second oflence get another five day suspension. After John returned to work, he was again observed not wearing his safety devices. Within a few days of his return, John was caught by the same safety supervisor without his safety glasses. The supervisor informed John in an angry voice, "l m getting tired of writing you up for stupid mistakes." At this point, John replied, "Why don't you go home and smash your head. " The supervisor then struck John, dt which point John proceeded to beat the supervisor unconscious.
John was laid off from work until the company could decide what action to take regarding the fight. After a brief meeting the next day, Mr. Prasad, the transportation supervisor, informed John that he was terminated. A union steward then asked Mr. Prasad about the fate of the supervisor. Mr. Prasad replied, "He will remain at work as far as I know. " The union steward immediately stepped to the telephone and called the union president. From the ensuing conversation, Mr. Prasad learnt that a wild cat strike might be ordered over the firing of John and not the supervisor.
Mr. Prasad knew that it was the company's stated policy that whoever started or was involved in a fight would be terminated immediately. Mr. Prasad was beginning to wonder whether the company had rnade a mistake in its decision and what should be done now.
(a) What is the problem in the case ?
(b) How do you see the behaviour of the safety supervisor ? What would you do if you were the safety supervisor ?
(c) How do you see the change in John's behaviour from an informal leader to the one involved in a fight with a supervisor vis-d-vis the company's policy ?
(d) Could Mr. Prasad and the safep supervisor have prevented John's case at the initial level ?
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