Term-End Examination
Time: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 100
(Weightage 70%)
(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section A, each question carrying 20 marks.
(iii) Section B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.
December 2007
1. "Merely designing the organisation structure with efficient groupings to suit its specific requirements may not achieve the desired goals. However ensuring functional integration of these differentiated groups towards the organisational objectives assumes great significance". Elaborate this statement and discuss the underlying issues with suitable examples.
2. What kind of decisions is a manager generally required to make in organisational context ? Differentiate between decision making under risk and under conflict or competition, with suitable examples.
3. What are the basic features of delegation ? What problems do managers generally face in implementing delegation ? Briefly discuss the essential prerequisites for effective delegation.
4. Define and distinguish between the dimensions and determinants of organisational culture. Briefly discuss how culture and ethos are maintained in organisations.
5. Write short notes on any threeof the following :
(a) Delphi Technique
(b) Johari Window
(c) Leadership Styles
(d) Matrix Structure
(e) Span of Control
6 Read carefully the following case and answer tfre questions given at the end
The Vice President for Prciduction at the AB Steel Plant was giving the Production Department Manager, Mr. Singh, a hard time for not doing anything about his wolk group which rwas perpetually coming late to work and was behind schedule in the performance quotas for several months now. The vice President's contention was that if the production' crew was consistently tardy, the production process was delayed by about 15 minutes on an average per member per day, and this was no way for the department to meet the assigned quotas. "They are losing about 6 to 8 hours of production time per member per month, and you don't seem one bit concerned about it," he yelled at the manager. He added that he was pretty upset about the 'lax management style' of the manager and very clearly stated that unless the manager did something about the tardiness problem, another manager who can manage the crew effectively' will have to be found.
Mr. Singh knows that he has an able and good group of workers but he also realises that they are bored with their work and do not have enough incentives to meet the production quotas. Hence, they seem to respond to the situation by taking it easy and coming late to work by a few minutes everyday. Mr. singh has also noticed that they were taking turns leaving the workplace a few minutes early in the evenings. Even though singh was aware of all this, he pretended not to notice the irregularities and was satisfied that once the workers started their work, they were pretty good at their jobs and often helped to meet rush orders whenever they knew that Mr. Singh was in a bind.
Questions :
(a) What do you think is the real, problem in this case ?
(b) How do you percelve the stand of Mr. Slngh ? Analyse critically.
(c) What intervention should Mr. Singh use to rectify the type, of situation he is presently confronted with ? Discuss giving the reasons.
(d) Discuss the implications of effecting them with your recommendations.
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