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Saturday, March 6, 2010

MS5 Management of Machines and Materials December 2006

Term-End Examination


Time: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 100
(Weightage 70%)

December 2006

Note : Section A has five questions that carry 20 marks each. Attempt any three questions from this Section. Section B is compulsory and carries 40 marks.


1. (a) Explain the meaning and importance of plant layout decision. Flow does It improve productivity?

(b) Product X sells for Re. 100 each and Y sefls (or Rs. 120 each. Product K has fixed casts of Rs. 20,000 per year and variable co5t of P.s. 12 per i.e-ut, wtiereas product V has fixed costs of P.s. 8,000 and variable cost of Rs. 40 per unit. At what production rate (volume) are the profits from bothproducteequal? 10+10

2. (a) Define FMS What Is (he general field of FMS application slgnlhcant In terms of the potential market size for its capability ? State with reference to any Production unit.

(b) The following table contains information regarding jobs that are to be scheduled through one machine:

JobProcessing Time (Days)Due Date

Sequence the jobs using
(I) Shortest Processing Time (SPT)
(ii) Processing with due dates

Assume the list is by order of arrival. For each of the methods, determine the average job flow time. average lateness and average niaiiber of jobs t the work centre. (10+10)

3. (a) Four different organisatlons are considering your home town as a potential location for one of thefollowing:

(I) A medical research centre
(ii) A soft-drink producer
(iii) A steel plant
(iv) A software producer

Select any one of the above four and systematically evaluate the relevant locational factors.

(b) A manufacturing company has an expected usage of 50.000 units of a certain product during the next year. The cost of processing an order Is Rs. 20 and the carrying cost per unit Is Rs. 050 for one year. Lead time on an order is fIve days and the company keeps a reserve supply of two day’s usage.


(I) The economic order quantity, and
(ii) The re-order point (Assume 250 days year) (10+10)

4. (a) A worker fri a manufacturing industry is expected to work foe a minimum of 400 minutes, In an 8-how shift. The remaIning 80 minutes are meant for his personal and rest needs.

Calculate the following:

(I) Standard time per piece of a job whose normal time is 10 min.(II) Number of pieces to be produced per day.(III) Efftciency of worker for 36 jobs he produced in a shift

(b) There are six Jobs, each of which is to be processed through the machines and M2 In order M1 M2. The processing time Is given In hours, Determine the sequence of these jobs which minimizes the total elapsed time. Also, calculate the Idle time for both machines. (10+10)

Job NumberProcessing Time on M1Processing Time on M2

5. (a) Discuss with suitable examples, the rok of the Operations Manager In toda’s context Do you agree that operations management is a mufti-dlsciplinanj function ? Discuss.

(b) A small manufacturing facility is being planned that will teed parts to four ,nanufactunng facibties. The location of the current plants with their co-ordinates and volume requirements Is given in the blowing table.

Plant locationCoordinates (x, y)Volume (parts per year)
Location A(300, 400)4000
Location 8(360. 430)5000
Location C(200, 350)6000
Location D(450, 500)3000

Use the centre of gravity method to determine the best location for this new facilIty. (10+10)


6. A reactor and storage tank are connected by a 75 cm insulated process line that needs periodic replacement. There are valves along the lines as well as the terminals and they need replacemeni as well, No pipe and valves are La stock Their drawings are available, The line is overhead arid requires scallolding. Pipes can be fabricated at the plant. An adequate craft Labour is available The plant methods standard section has furnished the following data

ActivityTime (Hrs)Predecessor(s)
A-Develop required material list10--
B-Procure pipe200A
C-Erect scaffold15--
D-Remove scaffold5H,L
E-Deactivate line10--
F-Prefabricate sections40B
G-Place new pipes35F,K,I
H-Fit up pip and valves10G,J
I-Procure valves220A
J-Place valves10I,K,F
K-Remove old pipes and valves40C,E
M-Pressure Test8H
N-Clean-up and Start-up5D,M

(a) Draw the network diagram of this project plan.
(b) flnd the critical path and its duration. (20)

7. Wrile short notes on any four of the following: (4x5=20)

(a) Operating Characteristic Curve
(b) Delphi Tedinlque
(c) ABC Analysis
(d) Robotics
(e) Balance delay
(f) Job enrichment

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