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Monday, March 8, 2010

MS46 Management of Financial Services June 2005


Term-End Examination

June, 2005


Time : 3 hours
Maximum Marks : 100
(Weightage 70%)

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Discuss the Economic and Financial functions of the Financial Market ? Explain the role played by the Reserve Bank of India in regulating the money market in India.

2. Explain the financial activities which come in the ambit of Merchant Banking ? What is the code of conduct laid down by SEBI, which the merchant bankers have to abide by ?

3. "Corporate Restructuring is the prccess by which a company can consolidate its business operations and strengthen its position for achieving its desired objectives." Explain this statement and point out the dlfferent ways in which restructuring could be done. What do you understand by securitisation ?

4. Describe the different types of instruments by which a securitisation can be implemented ? Briefly explain the pricing of these instruments and also highlight the benefits of secutitisation to the institution and the investors.

5. What do you understand by factoring ? Mention the types of factoring and the terms and conditions of a factoring contract.

6. Distinguish between :

(a) Leasing and Hire Purchase
(b) Debit card and Credit card
(c) Market Risk and Currency Risk
(d) Open Ended and Close Ended Schemes of Mutual Funds

7. Write short notes on any four:

(a) Zero coupon bonds
(b) Typology of Credit Rating
(c) Role ol National Housing Bank in housing finance
(d) Floating Rate Bonds
(e) Global Depository Receipts

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