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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Management of Human Resources (Revised) June 2009

Term-End Examination


Time: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 100
(Weightage 70%)

Note: (i) There are two Sections A and B.
(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section A. All questions carry 20 marks each.
(iii) Section B is compulsary and carries 40 marks.

June 2009

December 2009

Section A

1. Define HRM and differentiate it from traditional Personnel Management. Outline the objectives and functions of HRM. (20)

2. Evaluate the importance of Performance Appraisal (PA) in an organisation. Compare any two methods of PA and their merits and demerits. (20)

3. What is HRP ? Discuss Human Resource Planning Process. (20)

4. Analyse the need for training in an organisation. How can you make Training a strategic managerial function? Discuss. (20)

5 . Write short notes on any three of the following : (20)

(a) Job Analysis

(b) Indiscipline

(c) Quality circle

(d) Succession planning

(e) Employee stock option plan


6. Read the following case carefully and answer the Questions given at the end. (40)

All progressive companies have some formal or informal appraising systems for appraising the performance of their employees.

Performance Appraisal is defined as any procedure that involves assessing employees performance against set standards and, providing feedback to the employees assessed.

The aim is to motivate employees (a) to improve their performance (b) encourage for better performance above par.

The reasons for performance appraisal are (1) For salary decisions, rewards, promotion. (2) To review employee's work related behaviour with a view to correcting any deficiencies. Appraisal should be central to career planning process.

In a pharma company manufacturing and marketing drugs and medicines, the research staff has developed a number of new products and formulations which are effective. But at the same time it has to meet severe competition from stalwarts with foreign collaboration. Mr. Shah, the Vice President Marketing has a very successful Pharma Marketing background. He has been with the company for the past 4 years. Mr. Shah had made ambitious plans for capturing sizeable share of market in the Guiarat State. The Company being medium srzed.,MrS. hahhad kept his marketing department and the marketing team lean and trim. The field sales staff was given aggressive targets and were virtually pushed To reach the respective targets. The field staff worked to their best abilities to complete their respective targets. Mr. Shah had himself been working hard almost 11, - 12 hours a day. There was no formal appraisal and reward system in the company. During last 5 years more than 60 Medical Representativesa nd the Area Supervisorsh ad Left the company due to unsatisfactory increments And promotions. Those who left the company were star workers. But Mr. Shah did not care for this high turnover. He was over confident that he would be able to hire freshers and also Select candidates who were not happy with their remuneration in their respective company. Mr. Shah had never communicated to the field sales staff about their performance or reasons for not recognising their outstanding performance in a few cases. There was on the whole a great dissatisfactiona nd good performers were leaving the company.


(a) What do you perceive is the basic problem in 'AMBEK'?

(b) What are the steps you will take serially to correct the situation?

(c) In the event of your suggesting a Performance Appraisal System:

(i) How will you decide a suitable system of appraisal ?

(ii) Will your system include merit, rewards and promotions?

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