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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Management of Human Resources (Revised) June 2007

Term-End Examination


Time: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 100
(Weightage 70%)

Note: (i) There are two Sections A and B.
(ii) Attempt any three questions from Section A. All questions carry 20 marks each.
(iii) Section B is compulsary and carries 40 marks.

June 2007


1. Explain the scope and importance of HRM in the present day context. Differentiate between traditional personnelfunction and HRD. (20)

2. What is Human Resource Planning (HRP)? Discuss the process of HRP and the problems associated with it. (20)

3. Discuss the concept of competency mapping. Briefly explain the methods of competency mapping. (20)

4. What is HRD System? Enlist the principles in designing an HRD system. 20

5. Write short notes on any three of the following: (20)
(a) Fringe benefits
(b) Trade Union recognition
(c) Grievance handling
(d) Outsourcing
(e) Importance of teams


6. Please read the following case and' answer the questions given at the end. (40)


The Divisional Manager of a company attended a seminar, on Management by Objectives. His enthusiasm, kindled at that time, tended to grow the more he thought about it. He finally decided to introduce the concept and see what headway he could make at his next staff meeting.

He recounted the theoretical developments in this technique, cited the advantages to the division of its application, and asked his subordinates to think about adopting it. However, it was not as easy as everyone had thought. At the next meeting, several questions were raised.

"Do you have divisional goals assigned by the Chairman to you for the next year?" the finance manager wanted to know. "No, I do not," the divisional manager replied. "l have been waiting for Top Management to tell me what is expected but they act as if they will do nothing about the matter."

"What is the division to do then ?" the manager of production asked, rather hoping that no action would be indicated.

"l intend to list my expectations for the division," said the divisional manager. "There is not much mystery about them. I expect Rs. 250 crores in sales, a profit on sales before taxes of 12 percent, a return on investment of 20 percent, an ongoing program in effect by 30th April, with specific characteristics I will list later, to develop our own future managers, completed development work on our XZ model by the end of the year, and employee turnover stabilized at 5 percent." The staff was somewhat surprised that their superior had thought through these verifiable objectives with such clarity and assurance. They were also surprised about his sincerity in willing to achieve them.

"During the next month, I want each of you to translate these objectives into verifiable goals for your own functions. Naturally they will be different for finance, marketing, production. engineering and administration. However, you state them. I will expect them to add up to the realisation of the division goals." Thus, remarked the divisional manager at the end of the meeting.

Questions 3

(a) Identify the issues of the case.

(b) Can the Divisional Manager develop verifiable objectives, when they have not been assigned to him by the Chairman? How?

(c) What kind of information or help do you believe is important for the Divisional Manager to have from the top management?

(d) Do you justify the Divisional Manager's approach in setting goals? Give reasons for your answer.

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